Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Stitch in time

I had foot surgery about two weeks ago and other than throwing up afterwards from the anesthesia the drugs were fabuous. I am secretly hording some pills for later... ssshhhh.

It has been hard to keep my foot dry and clean with all the bandages and ace wraps, etc. I finally got the last bandage off yesterday and the stitches out, which was not nearly as gross as I thought it would be, although it was slightly gross.

So I am going to try and post more. I am still not sure how to handle crazy relatives and posting amazingly hilarious/enfuriating sagas, because if the family ever found this blog - I would need a lot more stitches than the three nurse betty just yanked out of my foot.

any by family I mean my blood relatives, not my wonderful husband who is amazing and fabulous and never makes me crazy like the rest of my family does.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Random Eye Watering!

Am so sick I literally could be murdered with a hand over my mouth and one nostril.

My eyes are runny and my hair hurts.

Back to more posts when I can sit upright.
